Does Apple Have GPT?
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Does Apple Have GPT?

No, Apple does not have its own GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Nevertheless, Apple is actively involved in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, but it takes a different…
Does Siri Only Listen To Your Voice?
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Does Siri Only Listen To Your Voice?

Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, is designed to respond to your voice commands, but it doesn’t exclusively listen to or recognize only your voice under default settings. Regardless, Apple has implemented features to…
Is Apple Making A GPT?
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Is Apple Making A GPT?

Apple has not publicly announced plans to create its own GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Yet, Apple is heavily invested in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), focusing…
Why Is Siri Called Apple?
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Why Is Siri Called Apple?

Siri is not called “Apple”; it’s the name of Apple’s virtual assistant. The name Siri was chosen intentionally and carries a unique origin story. Let’s dive into the reasoning behind the name…
Can Siri Say Yes
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Can Siri Say Yes?

Yes, Siri can say "Yes"! Siri is designed to respond to user commands and questions conversationally and naturally. If your question or command prompts a positive affirmation or requires confirmation, Siri can…
Is There A Girl Named Siri?
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Is There A Girl Named Siri?

Yes, Siri is a real name. While many people associate the name with Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri is a Scandinavian name with Norwegian origins. The Meaning of the Name Siri Siri is…
What Is The Siri Voice Controversy?
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What Is The Siri Voice Controversy?

Over the years, Siri’s voice has been the subject of several controversies, ranging from issues of bias, representation, and privacy concerns to disputes over voice actor recognition. Some Key Controversies Related to…
What Happens When You Say 14 To Siri?
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What Happens When You Say 14 To Siri?

If you tell Siri “14”, it will attempt to call emergency services (911 in the U.S., 112 in Europe, or the local emergency number based on your region). This happens because "14"…
What Happens If U Tell Siri 17?
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What Happens If U Tell Siri 17?

If you say “17” to Siri, it will attempt to call emergency services in your region. This happens because 17 is an emergency number in some countries, such as France, and Siri…
Who Is The Voice Behind Siri?
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Who Is The Voice Behind Siri?

The original voice of Apple’s Siri was provided by Susan Bennett, a professional voice actor from the United States. Her voice was first used when Siri launched in 2011, but Apple never…